Tsitska-Krakhuna Obchuri 2021 - Simon Chkheidze

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Tsitska-Krakhuna Obchuri 2021 - Simon Chkheidze

Detailní popis produktu

Produced and matured in Qvevri, direct press, no skin contact. Naturally filtered. Fresh, crispy with high acidity, dry. Notes of pear and lemon peel, grapefruit, wet stones, almond and bread dough. Nice, smooth finish.

Simon Chkheidze Cellar si klade za cíl udržovat tradice jejich rodiny a přispět k rozvoji přírodního vinařství v Gruzii, které věrně provádí od svého založení v roce 2005. Bílá vína se vyrábějí podle Imeretinské tradice, kde se z hroznů vyrábí pouze šťáva, ktreré se fermentuje a dozrává v qvevri; vzhledem k tomu, že růžová a červená vína se fermentují přidáním slupek (bez stonků) během počátečního kvašení po dobu 3–4 dnů, poté se odstraní. Vinice leží ve výšce 220-280 metrů nad mořem. Vinný sklep Simona Chkheidze je členem Asociace pro přírodní víno.

Simon Chkheidze Wine Cellar is located in Imereti (Western Georgia), in the village of II Obcha. The company was founded in 2008 by brothers Nugzar and Mamuka Chkheidze and is managed by the family. Nugzar and Mamuka named the company to honour their late father Mr. Simon Chkheidze – who was a well-known professional winemaker in the Western Georgia. The mission of the company is to continue family wine-making tradition of many years and promote Georgian wines worldwide. The organic vineyards are cultivated on 240-260 meters above the sea level, on the alluvial-carbonated soil, sloped from the East to the West. The soil and the vines are treated organically. At Simon Chkheidze Wine Cellar we produce red, rose and white wines from different varieties of Imeretian grapes grown in our own organic vineyards. Family has Tsitska, Tsolikouri, Krakhuna and Otskhanuri Sapere vineyards with the total area of 3 hectares in Obcha. Our vision of winemaking is to continue and honor Georgian ancient traditions by producing high quality natural wines in Qvevri. Simon Chkheidze Wine Cellar is a member of the Natural Wine Association of Georgia since 2017.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Qvevri oranžová vína
Alkohol: 12,5%
Druh vína: Suché
Objem: 0,75l
Ročník: 2021
Země/region: Gruzie, Imereti

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